IPV/Sexual Assault and Human Trafficking

IPV/Sexual Assault Resources:

RAINN: Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network
24/7 Live-Chat on their website or app: https://www.rainn.org/chatbot
24/7 crisis intervention hot-line: 800.656.4673

ICASA: Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault
Operates crisis centers, including Resilience and YWCA

YWCA: Resources, hotline and live chat
888-293-2080 operated 24/7

Human Trafficking Resources:

Website: https://centralusa.salvationarmy.org/stopit/
Stop it offers a 24h hotline at 877-606-3158 or can be emailed at [email protected]. They also offer intensive case management to survivors

Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation:
Website: https://www.caase.org/resources-for-survivors/
CAASE has an excellent list of resources and can also be reached at 773-244-2230

National human trafficking hotline: 888-373-7888

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