The Care2Prevent Team from the University of Chicago Medicine provides HIV, STI, and PrEP-related medical care to children, adolescents, and young adults who are HIV-positive or vulnerable to acquiring HIV, and has expertise and extensive experience providing care to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender patients.
Our services include testing and treatment for HIV, provision of PrEP (a daily medication to prevent HIV infection), administration of PEP (medications taken after potential HIV exposure to prevent infection), and diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted infections. We also provide routine vaccinations and work with patients to ensure that they are linked with primary care providers and referrals to sub-specialty services as needed.
Our clinic is located at Friend Health (6250 S Cottage Grove) and is held weekly on Mondays and Wednesdays from 5:00pm–7:30pm.
“Care is having compassion for people in their journey…knowing that they have someone to call upon in triumph and tribulation.”
— Elaine Seaton, Medical Case Manager
Case Management
The goal of case management is to promote and support independence and self-sufficiency of clients living with HIV. As such, the case management process requires the consent and active participation of the client in decision-making, and supports a client’s right to privacy, confidentiality, self-determination, dignity and respect.
The intended outcomes of case management for persons living with HIV/AIDS include:
- Early access to and maintenance in comprehensive health care and social services
- Improved integration of services provided across a variety of settings
- Public benefit assistance
- Prevention of disease transmission and delay of HIV progression
- Increased knowledge of HIV disease
- Housing referrals
- Transportation assistance to appointments
- Food assistance and referrals for food programs
If you would like someone from Case Management to get in touch with you or to schedule an appointment, please complete the request below or call 773-702-5872.