Mental Health Services

Who are we?

We offer mental health services to youth and adults who are HIV+ or vulnerable to acquiring HIV. We provide individual, couples, family, and group psychotherapy that is FREE to our clients. We are able to offer in-person or virtual sessions and can provide referrals to additional treatment as necessary. Our services focus on your goals and hopes for your life, not our own. 

Our team specializes in treating trauma, understanding the ways that stigma and shame can impact a person’s mental health, and assisting you in moving your life from surviving to thriving. We use art, talk, movement, relationship and mindfulness to help you build the skills to get there. 


The University of Chicago HIV care services team team now offers limited slots for psychiatric care for our clients. Psychiatry appointments can be used to evaluate your mental health from a diagnostic perspective, prescribe medicine to support your mental health or re-evaluate the medicines you have been taking if they do not seem to be working. 

Our team is specifically trained and prioritizes the affirmation and honoring of your various identities, expressions of gender and personhood, and HIV status. We center the lived experiences of youth and adults of color and recognize you as an expert in your own life. We feel thankful and humbled to enter into the sacred journey of healing with you.

How do I sign up?

We currently have a waiting list for therapy and psychiatry services and can share the following resources. If you would like to be put on the wait list, please complete the contact form on this page with this request.

Sista Afya (for female-identifying individuals)

Resources identified by the City of Chicago can be found by entering your zip code and looking for a provider near you.

Filter by insurance at Psychology Today

NAMI and SAMHSA are also always good resources.

If you or someone you know are feeling thoughts of suicide or self-harm, please call 988.

Request services:

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    Care can mean being a listening ear to patients who haven’t felt safe in disclosing their medical status for fear of rejection, scrutiny or shame.

    — Elaine Seaton, Medical Case Manager

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